
Make an appointment

You can make an appointment in the following ways.

  • Request an appointment using eConsult
  • Telephone 01462 892458 (Please note: our phone lines are closed over lunchtime between 12.15pm and 2pm.) We advise you to use this number for urgent queries only, or if you can't use online services. Please use the online alternatives for other queries if you can.
  • Come to the practice in person.

It is best to use e-Consult for speed and ease of access. It will give your doctors all the information they need to make sure patients get the right care. It is not suitable for use in emergencies. If you send your eConsult by 4pm the Duty GP will assess the information you provide on the same day. If you send it after 4pm the Duty GP will assess it the next morning.

Please only call or attend if you are unable to use eConsult or if the eConsult system advises you to call the surgery instead. We want to keep phone lines and reception desk available for emergencies or for patients who are unable to use eConsult.

If you telephone or visit us, our reception team will ask you a set of questions to complete a triage questionnaire for you. This is to help us understand what help you need, how quickly you need to speak to someone and who is the best person to help you. The information you provide is confidential and it will be passed to the Duty doctor to assess how best to help you. They will do this assessment on the same day. 

Once the Duty Doctor has assessed the information on your triage questionnaire or your eConsult form we will contact you by text or phone to arrange the next step. This might be to seek more information or to offer you a telephone or face to face appointment. You might be offered a same day or a routine appointment which can range from 3 days to 28 days’ time. The appointment might be with the doctor, nurse, Minor Illness Nurse, First Contact Physiotherapist, or any team member who is best placed to help you. We treat all concerns as important but the doctors will prioritise people with the most urgent health need. 

Keep your phone on you to be able to accept a call to attend at short notice or call from doctor if we decide you need a same day appointment.

Appointment times and information 

Appointments in the surgery are from 8am to 6.30 pm Monday to Friday.  We can also book you into an Extended Access appointment at another surgery on evenings and weekends. 

Please attend your appointment on time, if you are late, you may not be seen. If possible, let the surgery know in advance if you are going to be late.

Read this useful advice from the Patients Association on making the most of your GP appointment